
Southward From France

Our average is improving, Ladies -- Dickens was more favorably received than Garcia Marquez, who knew? From the Victorian moralizing we go to....more moralizing, but across the pond this time...

January's pick:
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

How about Monday Jan. 12, 2009 for a meetup? RSVP in the comments....and enjoy the holiday whirl! :)


Jess said...

Sounds good! - Jess

Robin said...

The 12th works for me. Now to actually start the book...

Unknown said...

I have another meeting on the 12th -- I could do Tue the 13th or Thursday the 15th.

Anonymous said...

I should be able to waddle over. I think any day that week works for me.

Ms. Grady said...

I am available that week! I think I can pick up a dusty copy of this one in the school library. Does anyone mind if I speak for A Tale of Two Cities for 5 minutes at this meeting? I'm teaching it for the second time this year and loving it more than ever!!! (It's probably a really good thing that I missed the last meeting.)